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Our News

Keeping you updated on the latest news and insights from Saranac Partners

We are proud to share our news, achievements and financial insights. We believe in uncommon thinking and look at issues from all angles. You can find our latest updates below.

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Our June Roadmap focuses on the implications for global equity allocation in the event of a weaker dollar. Currencies are not in general the main driver of relative equity...

In this podcast, Richard Urwin discusses China with George Magnus. George was Chief Economist at SG Warburg and then UBS for many years, before becoming a Senior Advisor at...

In this podcast hosted by Richard Urwin, Thomas Sevcik and Steve Edwards explore some of the ‘big picture’ dynamics effecting cities specifically in a post-Covid-19 context. Thomas Sevcik is...

If you would like to hear more about our views on financial markets, geopolitical events and our investment strategy. Our latest podcast is available, we hope you enjoy listening....