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Our News

Keeping you updated on the latest news and insights from Saranac Partners

We are proud to share our news, achievements and financial insights. We believe in uncommon thinking and look at issues from all angles. You can find our latest updates below.

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Our June Roadmap focuses on the implications for global equity allocation in the event of a weaker dollar. Currencies are not in general the main driver of relative equity...

Our May Roadmap assesses why the gold price has risen to new highs, even as bond yields have risen. The main candidate is a much higher level of central...

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This month we examine the arguments suggesting that much of the equity market rally from last autumn is speculative and hence fragile. We point to some more fundamental improvements...

In addition to our views on markets, there are special articles on the Japanese equity market and the renewed interest in crypto currencies within venture capital. Read the full...

The key feature of our February Investment Roadmap is the UK equity market, and we explore some longer-term reasons for its subdued performance. We also summarise our latest market...