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Our News

Keeping you updated on the latest news and insights from Saranac Partners

We are proud to share our news, achievements and financial insights. We believe in uncommon thinking and look at issues from all angles. You can find our latest updates below.

Main Data

Our January Investment Roadmap sets out our investment views for 2024. Last year, returns to many asset classes were strong, but largely achieved in the final few weeks of...

The main article explores the issue of return compression between equities and credit. Equity returns have in general been higher than credit returns year to date, but for many...

This month we cover possible conflicts between ESG and broader financial objectives, and the current state of the IPO market. There are also summaries of our current market views...

This month we look at hedge funds, private debt markets and recap on our current market views across asset classes. Please find the full Investment roadmap here

This month’s feature is on the Chinese equity market, which has been a material underperformer over both the short and long term. The relative strength in China’s economy has...